The city is host of the genoa boat show, where every year for the last 61 years you can enjoy the most selected boats in nautical exhibition in the waters and pavilions of the exhibition
the city is the sixth most populable in italy. And it has been one of the four sailor republic of the country – venezia. Amalfi. Pisa and genoa
today it is part of one of the most important industrial poles nationally and in the world with companies like fincanteri. Piaggio aerospace, costa cruceros and msc among others

A city full of stories that was and is cradle of outstanding personalities, just to name a few:
the great navigator cristoforo colombo, better known as christopher columbus
families of italian and world nobility such as doria or grimaldi, the latter best known for the principality of monaco
the recognized architect renzo piano, who made the city aquarium. Just to name some of the personalities

In some of the marble palace near what is known as “piazza di caricamento” prisoner marco polo falls, coinciding in prison with rustichello di pisa, who had been captured after a battle between the republic of genoa and pisa, between both they write the famous “travels of marco polo” which describe a bit of the “romantic” part of the post pandemic of the european black plague.
Many centuries later in the square of caricamento the mythical boat “il moro di venezia” was exhibited, the first italian challenger in the history of the america s cup.

Many post-war immigrants embarked in genoa, very probably mostly from the maritime station towards america, escaping the hunger and the ghost of a third world war, which beat in the air after 1945, some or many nazi hierarchs embarked in genoa with fake passports, to destinations that only god and some of the intelligence departments know.

Another interesting history of genoa is that of its flag, that of the red cross with a white field in the background, genoa and the marine republics have had a tremendous importance with the crusades, since the ships of those republics transported soldiers, horses and equipment to byzantium and the holy land,

Originally the patron holy of the city was “saint lorenzo” until the mid of the 10th century, which has a church with an outstanding architecture and which is one of the great points to visit in the city, with white and black colors on its exterior facade,
The flag of england is equal to that of genoa, according to legend and unproven stories, it is said that it was ricardo corazón de lion who adopted those colors from the flag of genoa, at that time its patrons saints were saint george and saint john , true or not, it is no longer an extraordinary coincidence between the flags.
It is said that its name originates from janus, the god with two faces, since one side of the city looks at the sea and the other at the mountains. Whatever its origin was, it is a city worth visiting and if you have the possibility to arrive by water you can see the light of the lighthouse that has guided so many marines for centuries.
Pictures Gustavo Revel